I bought this pair from a recent trip to Penang, Malaysia. I wore them for the first time on New Year's Eve and so many more times after. And that is no small feat considering it is only just the early days of the second month in the new year.
I chose this colour over black because Mum gave a really good reason. "You can wear this in the daytime too, black is too formal and suitable only for the night." Guess she was right. Besides I had been looking for a pair that I can wear anything with and go to the clubs at night without worrying about it being dirty. i.e. Nothing too fancy and nothing I love too much. Having said that, I cannot say I don't love this pair. It is just a different kind of love. This love derives from the comfort and the daily wear. Quite unlike the love at the first sight, strong passion etc.
It is of a good height too, not too high and not too low. Good to go dancing in! And last the night in. The elastic straps are also very soft and comfortable, and does not cut into the toes and feet. WHICH is so very important. The heels are not too thin and makes the entire shoes very stable when I wear it.
However, the first night I wore it, the back of my ankle hurt from the friction as the zips cut. I learnt that instead of zipping it all the way up, I could just zip it 1/2 to 3/4 way up and it is fine again! All's good in the pair that was meant for me to wear anytime and anywhere I want. I wouldn't wear it to any fancy places but I know it dresses up the outfit and me anywhere I go.
Do you have a pair that does the same for you?
Till my next shoe-stopping experience, Mayy xo
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