I'll always be the first to admit that I am still a big kid at heart when it comes to Disney and cartoons. I can veg out all day watching Disney Channel programs. But there is one part of Disney which will always remain NUMBER ONE in my heart.
Yes, that's right. Disney Princesses. We have quite a few more these days. But before the new ones, there were six. Cinderella, Belle, Jasmine, Ariel, Rose and what'shername (oh alright, Snow White). Fine, I have named them in the order in which I adore them. So here's the first post to the many DP future posts.

At Centrepoint Mall in Singapore when they had their annual Christmas theme. That year, it was Disney Princesses and if you spent over $200 in the mall, you get to redeem a Disney Princess umbrella. I MANAGED TO HOARD TWO! One for keeps, and one for me to use. And yes, I just had to bring it over to Perth with me. Perfect for keeps in my car.

Disney Princesses get updates or new ballgowns to their collection every once in a while. I really liked this collection. All the gold ones!

I love Cinderella, she's gorgeous and I love the whole story. Glass slippers.
Photos credits: mayydiaries.blogspot.com; DisneyAnd of course, Princess Jasmine. Although I really liked her usual green outfit! I mean it is my favourite colour after all. And I like her pet tiger. So cute! I want a pet tiger too...Hmmmmm.
And don't we all wish for happy endings? Never mind how many times life tells us otherwise, I think if you always believe in it, it may eventually just happen.
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