It may not look too pretty here because we didnt actually use a proper cake tin. However, I LOVE THE IDEA of adding chocolate chunks to the brownie becauseit is gooey and melts in your mouth as you bite into the chewey chocolatey brownie. The top layer was wonderfully crisp and the inside of the brownie moist and chewy. I love the smell wafting through the house as it bakes. Salivating and I know I couldn't stop eating them. Shiyu had to cut them into smaller pieces because I could NOT stop.
So even if you didn't have the premix help from the dessert angel aka Donna Hay, but would like to have a lovely twist to your ordinary brownie, chocolate chunks are IT. Once your batter and mixture are all done, just chuck about 500g of big chocolate squares into that and stir, scoop the mixture into your tin and make sure the choc chunks are evenly spread out throughout, within or above. Makes for a yummy gooey surprise ;)
Till my next kitchen venture, Mayy xo