The past forty nine pairs were very varied and I believe there may even be a pattern as to my buying shoes criteria. Although, I would prefer me to be more unpredictable. Because predictability can be such a snoozefest.
Hence, instead of celebrating the fiftieh featured pair with sky high heels, I decided to go with something casual and fun and very practical. Also, of very special importance to me.
Here she is, a beautiful child. I am so proud of her, and she is one of those I havent got round to wearing. And its been three years. My mother bought it for me as a gift before I moved to Perth for my undergraduate education. We both wanted something practical and I was really looking for a studious look. An all American college ensemble, in my head.
Obviously I got here and preferred dressing up my way. And I was always weary of getting her dirty. I mean I dont want to ruin the shine! I also like the skinny fit and really makes a girl's feet look as dainty as it could.
The Classic Adidas Okapi range. The colours are definitely my favourites and it is no secret why I chose to buy this. Perhaps in due course I will find a special occasion to don her for the first time and bring her out into the world with me. Hear Europe calling? Or maybe a trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida?
Till my next shoe-stopping experience, Mayy xo
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