Autumn comes around and somehow, just like spring I like wearing maxidresses. Except I get alot more bundled up with scarves and cardigans in autumn. I would like to blog about a dress I wore last spring/summer on a foodie and DSLR day out. I have since given it to sis. I actually bought it thinking I would give it to her, then I thought oh what the heck I will wear it. Then I did and thought it really isn't my thing so it's hers. I am fickle like that. But I am glad she likes it. She better. Except she thinks it is weird to wear it out in Singapore or to uni with it. Hmmmm, what are YOUR thoughts? Weird or not? Because of all the judging eyes?

I bought this dress from Temt Harbourtown months back, at AUD19.95. I like the blue and the material is thick and very good quality. So worth the price I paid. It looks like clouds are printed on it too. But somehow, it reminds me of sis so I guess, it really belongs to her. Oops.
I wore it out for a lunch date with Anna and Li Jia during the holidays to Burswood's Victoria Station.

Photos credits:
Ended up for a walkabout nearby at the Peninsula. My dream place to stay in Perth. Yes the sky was lovely. The clouds were white and fluffy. I had graduated ish. Life was really good back then. I am looking forward to the end of this year. Before full adult responsibilities fall upon my shoulders. Don't get me wrong. I love working for my own keep. Just, kids will always be kids.
Till my next closet raid, Mayy xo
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