Oh happiness, I have submitted all assignments as of Saturday. Had a dinner which I will blog about shortly and then went out with my girlfriends. Unfortunately, it was not the best night out but whatevs, just waiting on the two girls to finish their exams before we can actually start chilling.
Anyway, I am BORED out of my brains so far. Let's blog about something bright and funky then. Just to chase the blues and dreary gloomy mood which mirrored the weather.

Obviously the pink leggings popped here.

Rightey-o, I took this like a couple years back. I still have those clothes don't get me wrong but well, I guess it belonged more in Japan or Taiwan or Hong Kong, this look. The pink leggings are from
Cotton On, a Harbourtown buy at AUD10 or 5. White denim shorts which I am certain I blogged about before. The shirt that reads: Daddy's Little Expensive Girl, was a bday gift from sis. I have one in silver (above) and one in gold which I am keeping in Singapore. I love it, the words are too cute. The long cardigan is actually from
Cotton On Men's but really I don't care because it was perfect for what I was looking for. Another Harbourtown buy at AUD10. A steal! And the colourful Roxy trucker cap which now belongs to sis.

And the leggings and cardigan again, paired with a basic v-neck white tee with pink and blue words from
Cotton On Men's again at AUD2. Yes, you read right, 2 bucks. After all, mens tee are big enough to cover the front and back of the lower half of the body. I mean if you wear leggings, camel toes are just NOT attractive and no one wants to see saggy bottoms. It is just like a RULE to not wear leggings as pants but somehow, some girls are not heeding this advice. Oh wells, to each her own.

A close up of the pink...

A recent outfit with the leggings. Just a very chill day, an off day (Thursdays this sem). I still had to go down to uni so I thought, what the heck. Dad's GA sweater which is now mine *cue evil laughter* And my SF Men's bag. Okay, so I got a slight obsession with Men's stuff but some are really NICE and I like to think I can pull it off. THINK.

And then, I met Shiyu for late night shopping and tried this pretty things on...

Photos credits: mayydiaries.blogspot.comShiyu also tried it on. Pretty little things no?! YES! We didnt get it because it costs AUD139 and is not THAT comfortable. But they look great and apparently sold out in Carousel a week later because well, we cannot find it anymore. For those of you who wants these, best you go find the shops in the city or something! Be quick!
Till my next closet raid, Mayy xo
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